Direction of Youth, Popular Education and Community Life

Groupe Caisse des dépôts
Attached to the Ministry of National Education and Youth and to the State Secretariat for Social economy and community life, the Direction of Youth, Popular Education and Community Life (DJEPVA), implements policy in favour of youth and the development of community life. As such, the DJEPVA contributes to the support of associative actors, to the promotion of actions aimed at young people in favour of autonomy and to the development of a society of commitment. It is within the framework of this policy and the economic and health context that the DJEPVA and France Active have concluded a partnership aimed at building and deploying a new offer designed to strengthen the equity of associations.
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European Regional Development Fund

Groupe Caisse des dépôts
The European Regional Development Fund (FEDER) is part of the economic, social and territorial cohesion policy. Its purpose is to strengthen economic and social cohesion in the European Union by correcting imbalances between its regions. For the 2014-2020 programming period, the France Active network has mobilised the ERDF for financial instruments in several regions (Corsica, Pas-de-Calais, Lorraine and Saint-Martin).
The Region has selected, through a call for tenders, France Active to manage a financial guarantee instrument (FEDER funds). This financial instrument aims to secure, through the granting of guarantees, establishments granting loans to small businesses with less than 50 employees in creation, takeover or development of activity. These companies must be located in the “Politique de la Ville” neighbourhoods of the Nord-Pas-de-Calais region, integrated into ITI zones. France Active Garantie (FAG) and its co-contractors, Nord Actif and Pas de Calais Actif, are responsible for implementing the fund.
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State Secretariat for Social economy and community life

Groupe Caisse des dépôts
Attached to the Prime Minister, the State Secretariat for Social economy and community life implements the development policy for a social, solidarity-based and responsible economy. It promotes activities of general interest or social utility that contribute to it. It carries out numerous actions relevant to France Active’s mission. For example, it contributes to the Seed Fund dedicated to social-economy entrepreneurs. It has also entrusted France Active with the management of the Dispositif Secours ESS for small social-economy entities in response to their financial difficulties related to the health crisis.
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French Impact

Groupe Caisse des dépôts
At the request of the President of the Republic and instigated in January 2018 by the High Commission for the Social Economy and Social Innovation at the Ministry of Ecological and Solidarity-based Transition, Le French Impact’s mission is to mobilise, in a united endeavour, all those who want to make social innovation a major lever for the country’s transformation (social economy and solidarity-based enterprises, local authorities, incubators, investors, etc.). Le French Impact and France Active Investissement work together to support social and environmental initiatives with a positive impact. In line with this objective, France Active’s seed fund has been placed under the French Impact banner.
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yoka_admin 26 mars 2021
France Active at the Europan Social Economy Summit in may : Save the date !
UrgencESS : a €30 million-fund for small non-profit organisations and social enterprises
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Directorate-General for Social Cohesion

Groupe Caisse des dépôts
In order to foster social cohesion and support people’s autonomy, the Direction générale de la cohésion sociale (DGCS) is responsible for designing, managing and evaluating public policies for solidarity, social development and the promotion of equality.
Within this framework, it coordinates public policies on women’s rights and on equality between women and men in working life.
In this way, it supports the activities of France Active, which is fully committed to promoting and disseminating financing offers dedicated to women’s entrepreneurship.
Among the 7,700 entrepreneurs that France Active supports each year, 50% are women, above the national average among business creators.
In addition, France Active has developed, with the support of the DGCS, a bank loan guarantee specifically dedicated to women: the guarantee ÉGALITÉ Femmes which is part of the continuation of the Contingency Fund for Women’s Initiatives backed by the government since 1991 and entrusted to France Active in 2008. It’s goal? Facilitate access to bank credit for women entrepreneurs seeking employment or who are in a precarious situation.
The DGCS operates under the authority of the Ministry for Equality between Women and Men, Diversity and Equal Opportunities, which aims to eliminate all gender-based discrimination and increase guarantees of equality in the political, economic, professional, educational, social, health and cultural fields.
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France Active at the Europan Social Economy Summit in may : Save the date !
UrgencESS : a €30 million-fund for small non-profit organisations and social enterprises
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Ministry of the Interior and the Overseas

Groupe Caisse des dépôts
The Ministry of the Interior and the Overseas and France Active share a common objective: that of promoting the development of an inclusive and sustainable economy in the overseas territories by stimulating the creation and consolidation of jobs that cannot be relocated to each of these territories. France Active benefits from its support in order to deploy and develop its activity in the overseas territories where the movement is not yet established: Mayotte, Guyana and Guadeloupe. By supporting the experimentation phase of the France Active offer in these territories, the Ministry contributes to the definition of support solutions for creating and developing businesses and to strengthening banking inclusion.
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General Delegation for Employment and Vocational Training

Groupe Caisse des dépôts
The Délégation générale à l’emploi et à la formation professionnelle (DGEFP), which is the managing authority for the government’s employment and vocational training guidelines, develops social economy measures in consultation with all employment professionals and manages the programmes supported by the European Social Fund (ESF) in France.
It supports France Active in two main ways: actions in favour of Local Support Measures (DLA) and the professionalisation of France Active’s network as part of the ESF’s Operational Programme for Employment and Inclusion. The DGEFP operates under the authority of the Ministry of Labour, Full employment and Inclusion.
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European Investment Fund
European Investment Fund supports European SMEs by boosting their access to funding through a wide range of selected financial intermediaries. To this end, it designs, promotes and implements financial instruments which contain debt and equity features that specifically target SMEs. France Active Garantie thus benefits from a counter-guarantee for all guarantees granted to entrepreneurs through the COSME programme (the EU programme for SMEs). In addition, France Active Investissement’s equity loan activities benefit from a guarantee funded by the European Union as part of the EU Programme for Employment and Social Innovation (EaSI).
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Europe commits for sustainable and inclusive entrepreneurship in France
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European Social Fund

Groupe Caisse des dépôts
The European Social Fund (ESF) finances economic and social development in the countries of the European Union. Its objective is to ensure fairer job opportunities and social inclusion in areas affected by economic difficulties. The ESF works mainly by funding vocational training, employment and professional integration for people in difficulty. France Active is an intermediary body benefiting from a global grant as part of the Operational Programme for Employment and Inclusion 2014-2020, enabling it to professionalise business start-up networks and to fund the guidance and support for social-economy structures and potential entrepreneurs far removed from the traditional banking system (job seekers, young people under 26 years old, people with disabilities, disadvantaged urban neighbourhoods (QPVs) and rural redevelopment zones (ZRRs), and so on).
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yoka_admin 26 mars 2021
France Active at the Europan Social Economy Summit in may : Save the date !
UrgencESS : a €30 million-fund for small non-profit organisations and social enterprises
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