Directorate-General for Social Cohesion
In order to foster social cohesion and support people’s autonomy, the Direction générale de la cohésion sociale (DGCS) is responsible for designing, managing and evaluating public policies for solidarity, social development and the promotion of equality.
Within this framework, it coordinates public policies on women’s rights and on equality between women and men in working life.
In this way, it supports the activities of France Active, which is fully committed to promoting and disseminating financing offers dedicated to women’s entrepreneurship.
Among the 7,700 entrepreneurs that France Active supports each year, 50% are women, above the national average among business creators.
In addition, France Active has developed, with the support of the DGCS, a bank loan guarantee specifically dedicated to women: the guarantee ÉGALITÉ Femmes which is part of the continuation of the Contingency Fund for Women’s Initiatives backed by the government since 1991 and entrusted to France Active in 2008. It’s goal? Facilitate access to bank credit for women entrepreneurs seeking employment or who are in a precarious situation.
The DGCS operates under the authority of the Ministry for Equality between Women and Men, Diversity and Equal Opportunities, which aims to eliminate all gender-based discrimination and increase guarantees of equality in the political, economic, professional, educational, social, health and cultural fields.