France Active helps entrepreneurs to commit to the social, environmental and economic development of their region– whether they are just starting out or in a period of growth. It supports them with finance issues, provides them with the funding that is best suited to their needs, and offers access to a unique network of business and social stakeholders.
As a pioneer in solidarity finance, France Active boosts the work of more than 7,500 entrepreneurs every year. By raising more than €300 million for them, it has enabled the creation or safeguarding of nearly 40,000 jobs. Moreover, France Active advises 2,200 Social and Solidarity Economy organisations via a local support programme (Dispositif local d’accompagement), To keep its work in line with business and social issues, France Active and its partners have created a network made up of one national association, 42 regional associations, and three financial institutes.
With offices throughout the country, France Active is a movement that combines financial expertise with the power of a national group and proximity to entrepreneurs.
France Active is a movement of entrepreneurs engagés who seek to build a more cohesive, solidarity-based and sustainable society. Through financial structures available to all entrepreneurs, France Active aims to bring about social transformation. It contributes to the financial inclusion of entrepreneurs with the least access to bank services, finances the most socially ambitious companies, helps develop a favourable environment for socially-committed entrepreneurs, and works towards making financemore responsible financing.