Laëtitia NGAMA

Co-founder and director of Eden ETTP

Work time-sharing company

What I really liked about France Active was the human aspect. They were able to reassure us when we had questions about the model we are adopting. They encouraged us to go further in our commitment.

Committed to time-share!

Chenove (Côte d'Or)
Work time-sharing company
Laëtitia Ngama has launched a work time-share service in Chenove on the outskirts of Dijon. It turned to France Active to help it provide a concrete solution to a need in its area: to create sustainable jobs and provide companies with access to qualified labour.

Laëtitia NGAMA, tell us about your project.

Eden ETTP is a work time-share company. The time-share model has two components to it: the employee and the company. To starting point for our project was the observation that for many employees part-time work is the only option due to childcare, taking care of a sick relative, etc. This results in an increase in fixed-term contracts, because part-time work often equates to a lack of job security.

To address this issue, we decided to develop a work time-share service: we hire employees on a permanent basis and work out the number of hours they need. They are then able to work for several of our clients.

For companies, work time-share also has an added value. In fact, in our region around Dijon in Burgundy, there are many VSEs, SMEs and artisans who are often faced with recruitment problems: too much work for one person, but not enough for two, for example. And we are now able to offer them a solution that meets their needs.

There is a great demand from employees for part-time permanent contracts. We have more difficulty finding companies which want to benefit from time-sharing, because many professionals are unaware of the law that provides the framework for this form of employment. A lot of education needs to take place with the companies to spread the word about the work time-sharing.

What did you appreciate about the support provided by France Active and its partners?

The further we got into developing our project, the more it became clear that commitment was at the heart of our project. This is why we got in contact with France Active Bourgogne and its partners. What I really liked about France Active was the human aspect. They were able to reassure us when we had questions about the model we are adopting. They encouraged us to go further in our commitment.

Have benefited

from a several guarantees of


And was accompanied by

France Active Bourgogne

In 2021

The France Active position

Mathilde LEBREUIL Project officer at France Active Bourgogne
What do you remember about Eden ETTP’s approach?

Laëtitia Ngama is a very motivated person who had prepared her project well in advance. She was able to respond to the comments we made throughout the assessment of her file, while staying consistent with the initial aims of her project.

How does the Integration through Self-Employment programme provide support for creators who are farthest from banks?

We offered her a training pathway after she had presented the project to the committee, explaining what could be of interest to her and benefit the development of her business. She chose the training courses in line with her project, first the cash flow workshop, then a webinar on digitalisation (how to mobilise digital to increase brand awareness, see and be seen).

Nathalie RAUCH

Director of Development at Entrepreneurs de la Cité

What stands out for you in Eden ETTP’s experience?

Eden ETTP meets a genuine business need with its work time-share solutions. This innovative offer is committed to giving people access to employment, while meeting the demands of the labour market. From our point of view, it is important for this structure to be legally protected, particularly with regard to the contracts it signs. It’s therefore essential to choose the right insurance.
It is important to take the measure of your responsibility as a company.


How can the experience of creators like Eden ETTP be made more secure?
Being well insured contributes to ensuring the long-term sustainability of the company. It is therefore important for a creator to have access to insurance, which is at the heart of the Entrepreneurs de la Cité mission. Any uninsured business is fine as long as nothing happens to it.
When faced with a claim, insurance companies provide support to help them cope financially. Like France Active, Entrepreneurs de la Cité provides assistance to the most vulnerable entrepreneurs. You can’t insure for everything, so we help them to identify the risks that are a potential threat to their organisation. Lacking insurance can often have dramatic outcomes for entrepreneurs, which is why we need to identify the essentials to be insured for each project.

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