Fondation Daniel & Nina Carasso

Created in 2010, as a tribute to Daniel Carasso, founder of Danone, and his wife Nina, the Foundation operates in France and Spain. It reveals, supports, accompanies and connects women and men who dare to look at and build the world differently around Alimentation Durable (sustainable food) and Art Citoyen (art as a motor of citizenship). It is a family foundation, under the aegis of the Fondation de France.


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04 mars 2021


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Fondation de France

Created 50 years ago to develop philanthropy in France, the Fondation de France is today the leading philanthropy network in France. Each year, it supports nearly 10,000 projects of general interest with the 888 foundations it houses. To support associations that have been seriously weakened by the health crisis, the Fondation de France is adapting its action programmes throughout the country and contributes €5 million to France Active’s Relance Solidaire programme with the JM Bruneau and Daniel & Nina Carasso Foundations that it oversees. This support will take the form of zero-interest loans to support associations and help them restart their essential activity in the service of the general interest.

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04 mars 2021


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Fondation Carrefour

Created in 2000, the Carrefour Corporate Foundation fulfils a mission of general interest in France and around the world in favour of solidarity-based food transition. Its commitment is based on 3 programmes: sustainable and solidarity-based agriculture, solidarity-based anti-waste, and social commitment. Within this framework, it supports future creators of socially responsible companies through the Place de l’émergence programme.

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04 mars 2021


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UrgencESS : a €30 million-fund for small non-profit organisations and social enterprises


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KLESIA is a major participant in the field of social protection, whose ambition is to make its businesses – supplementary pensions, provident fund schemes, social action – drivers of social protection and innovation.
Providing answers to the needs of its clients and their loved ones due to difficulties linked to illness, disability, age or the hazards of life is a priority through the social action of its supplementary pension institutions. This is done in particular through the support of entities working in the fields of healthy and successful aging, assistance to carers and employment.
Against this background, a partnership was created with France Active to support entrepreneurs through the Place de l’Emergence.

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04 mars 2021


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UrgencESS : a €30 million-fund for small non-profit organisations and social enterprises


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Created in February 2013 and managed collectively, the EDF FAPE aims to support the development of employment and promote the social and professional integration of people who are far removed from it. Thanks to donations from employees and pensioners and the matching contributions of the group’s companies, the EDF FAPE faithfully supports France Active through three actions:
– support for business creators under the age of 26 through the CAP’JEUNES programme.
– support for business creators from or wanting to set up in rural redevelopment zones (ZRRs)
– support for future entrepreneurs through the Place de l’émergence programme. The EDF Agir pour l’Emploi Fund is France Active’s leading private sponsor.

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04 mars 2021


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France Active at the Europan Social Economy Summit in may : Save the date !


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UrgencESS : a €30 million-fund for small non-profit organisations and social enterprises


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Malakoff Humanis Gestion d’Actif

Malakoff Humanis is a social protection, parity-based, mutualist and non-profit group. It was created in January 2019 by the merger of the Malakoff Médéric and Humanis groups. With more than €7 billion in equity capital, 426,000 corporate clients and 10 million insured persons and beneficiaries, Malakoff Humanis is the leader in group health and personal protection insurance. In supplementary pensions, the Group manages 37.8 billion euros in paid benefits, a mission of general interest carried out on behalf of Agirc-Arrco, with more than 565,000 corporate clients, 9.3 million contributors and 6.4 million beneficiaries. Deeply rooted in the values of the social economy, Malakoff Humanis relies on its subsidiary, Malakoff Humanis Gestion d’Actifs, the group’s portfolio management company, which has been developing a partnership with France Active for more than 10 years that conveys these values: development of solidarity-based employee savings schemes and support for tomorrow’s social entrepreneurs from the emergence phase with the Group’s participation in the Place de l’émergence. It created the FCP HGA Actions Solidaire Emploi Santé (HGA Solidarity Employment Health Actions mutual fund) dedicated to financing job-creating social economy entities and supporting the associative medico-social sector, as well as regional solidarity mutual funds that promote investment in solidarity-based initiatives or initiatives with strong social utility in their own region. Today, Malakoff Humanis is working alongside its traditional partner France Active, in support of entities weakened by the crisis, through its backing for the Programme de Relance Solidaire.

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04 mars 2021


yoka_admin 26 mars 2021

France Active at the Europan Social Economy Summit in may : Save the date !


carolined 24 mars 2021

UrgencESS : a €30 million-fund for small non-profit organisations and social enterprises


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Malakoff Humanis

Malakoff Humanis is a social protection, parity-based, mutualist and non-profit group. It was created in January 2019 by the merger of the Malakoff Médéric and Humanis groups. With more than €7 billion in equity capital, 426,000 corporate clients and 10 million insured persons and beneficiaries, Malakoff Humanis is the leader in group health and personal protection insurance. In supplementary pensions, the Group manages 37.8 billion euros in paid benefits, a mission of general interest carried out on behalf of Agirc-Arrco, with more than 565,000 corporate clients, 9.3 million contributors and 6.4 million beneficiaries. Deeply rooted in the values of the social economy, Malakoff Humanis relies on its subsidiary, Malakoff Humanis Gestion d’Actifs, the group’s portfolio management company, which has been developing a partnership with France Active for more than 10 years that conveys these values: development of solidarity-based employee savings schemes and support for tomorrow’s social entrepreneurs from the emergence phase with the Group’s participation in the Place de l’émergence. It created the FCP HGA Actions Solidaire Emploi Santé (HGA Solidarity Employment Health Actions mutual fund) dedicated to financing job-creating social economy entities and supporting the associative medico-social sector, as well as regional solidarity mutual funds that promote investment in solidarity-based initiatives or initiatives with strong social utility in their own region. Today, Malakoff Humanis is working alongside its traditional partner France Active, in support of entities weakened by the crisis, through its backing for the Programme de Relance Solidaire.

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04 mars 2021


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France Active at the Europan Social Economy Summit in may : Save the date !


carolined 24 mars 2021

UrgencESS : a €30 million-fund for small non-profit organisations and social enterprises


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Maif Investissement social et solidaire

MAIF Investissement Social et Solidaire (MISS) is the MAIF Group’s impact investment fund. With €24 million to date, the fund invests in capital or quasi-equity directly and via partner funds, such as France Active Investissement, with an average investment of €500k. Since its creation, MISS has supported the development of 23 entities in various sectors but which all have a strong social, community and environmental impact in common. Its objective is to support socially innovative and successful companies that have been created to generate a strong community impact.

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04 mars 2021


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France Active at the Europan Social Economy Summit in may : Save the date !


carolined 24 mars 2021

UrgencESS : a €30 million-fund for small non-profit organisations and social enterprises


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In 1934, the creation of MAIF introduced a mutualist alternative into the world of insurance. In 2009, it was the first French insurer to commit to a responsible investment policy by signing the UNPRI (United Nations Principles for Responsible Investment) and to offer a range of fully solidarity-based savings products. With its solidarity passbooks, MAIF supports the “Pacte Création Jeunes” (Youth Creation Pact). Its support is also shown through the Insertion Emploi Dynamique fund, a dynamic employment integration fund, included in the Responsible and Solidarity-based Life Insurance contract, and the Proximité Solidaire investment fund. The MAIF Group has invested in France Active’s new seed fund, contributes to the Place de l’Emergence programme and supports the Relance Solidaire Programme. A dynamic and committed partnership for the development of solidarity finance.

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04 mars 2021


yoka_admin 26 mars 2021

France Active at the Europan Social Economy Summit in may : Save the date !


carolined 24 mars 2021

UrgencESS : a €30 million-fund for small non-profit organisations and social enterprises


Vignette Fete Europe 712×363

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