Emergence Programme: From idea to realization

1/ An essential support at a critical stage


In order to stimulate social innovation and encourage the emergence of projects that will provide concrete solutions to the social and environmental problems we face, France Active has developed the Emergence programme. It is organised to support entrepreneurs who give priority to social utility and who wish to contribute to the development of a sustainable and inclusive economy.


As part of this programme, events are organised every month to put new entrepreneurs in touch with financial actors and experts on different themes. This unique networking opportunity is complemented by an advisory component and a financial bonus intended to finance the feasibility study and the modelling phase of the entrepreneurial project. Each month, France Active therefore pre-selects a certain number of projects, then presents them during this forum which brings together for half a day 6 new entrepreneurs who present their project, as well as the financial partners and experts of this programme. At the end of this session, the financial partners decide whether or not to grant a bonus to the different projects presented. The bonuses are awarded according to the financing needs of each project. These sessions are an opportunity for the experts and financial partners to challenge the entrepreneurs and their project, but also to help them assess their financial needs, build appropriate financial solutions and enhance the social impact of their project. This support will then continue throughout the experimentation and final validation phase of their entrepreneurial project.
This stage is intended for projects in the prototyping and maturing phase, before validation of the economic model.


At the end of the experimentation phase, once the project is secured and ready to be launched, France Active can redirect the entrepreneur towards its other support and financing tools such as guarantee, solidarity loan, investment, etc.

2/ Looking back on its 1st year of existence


This national programme was launched in September 2019 and is celebrating its first anniversary with 54 projects supported for a total of €1 million in premiums distributed. A real boost for the emergence of innovative projects throughout France! In total, 11 sessions were organised during its first year of existence, despite all the obstacles: national strikes, lockdown, etc. The entrepreneurs, France Active and the partners were able to adapt and pursue the development of this programme. The diversity of the social purposes of the selected projects should be noted:
* Access to housing : 13%
* Employment, training and support of vulnerable people : 33%
* Social action and struggle against social exclusion : 5%
* Sanitary action and access to medical care : 4%
* Sustainable food systems and development of the organic sector : 17%
* Circular economy and eco-activities : 17%
* Territorial cohesion and proximity economy : 11%

3/ A network of valuable partners


France Active was able to launch this new programme thanks to the financial support of a multitude of public and private actors, such as : Caisse des Dépôts, Banque de France, Fape EDF, BNP Paribas, Fondation Carrefour, Fondation MACIF, Groupe Malakoff Humanis, Klesia, MAIF. These partners are present on the day of each session, to discuss the projects with their owner, challenge them, give them advice and possibly grant them a prime.
Finally, this programme operates thanks to the essential participation of expert partners : Antropia, ARES, AVISE, CCAH, FAMAE, Food de rue, Groupe ID’EES, La Ruche and Make Sense. Also present during the sessions to advise and support the entrepreneurs, they answer the question and help them secure their project.


of the projects are led by a woman


of the projects are led by a team


of the entities who benefitted from a grant are an association

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