France Active and the European Commission, joining forces to support the launch of the Seed Fund

France Active has been working with Europe for more than 20 years, to develop social cohesion, ease the access to employment through entrepreneurship and enhance social innovation.

To do so, France Active has benefitted from European funding and recently, the European Commission and France Active have strengthened their fruitful cooperation in the frame of the launch of the Seed fund. Indeed, as a result of a call for proposals under the EU program for employment and social innovation (EaSI), France Active has been awarded a grant to launch this program.

Over the next two years, France Active aims at financing and supporting 100 social business in metropolitan France as well as in its overseas territories, for a total investment of €10 million.

This Seed Fund was officially launched on February 4th, 2020, in presence of Ann Branch, Head of the « Job Creation » Unit, in the « Employment, social affairs and inclusion » Directorate at the European Commission.

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